সোমবার, ৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Cardinal Dolan marks Bloomingburg church's first 100 years

Cardinal Dolan marks Bloomingburg church's first 100 years | recordonline.com

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Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, breaks away from the procession Saturday at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Bloomingburg to greet Meghan Sier and her 6-month-old son, Braden. Cardinal Dolan visited the church during the celebration of its 100th anniversary.DOMINICK FIORILLE/ Times Herald-Record

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রবিবার, ৪ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Wizards John Wall believes he's the best point guard in the NBA

Wizards John Wall believes he's the best point guard in the NBA - CBSSports.com

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Fort Hood and the rarity of military executions

DALLAS (AP) -- Hundreds of unarmed soldiers, some about to deploy to Afghanistan, were waiting inside a building for vaccines and routine checkups when a fellow soldier walked inside with two handguns and enough ammunition to commit one of the worst mass shootings in American history.

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan climbed onto a desk and shouted "Allahu Akbar!" - an Arabic phrase meaning "God is great!" Then he fired, pausing only to reload.

Hasan doesn't deny that he carried out the November 2009 rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, that left 13 people dead and more than 30 others wounded. There are dozens of witnesses who saw it happen. Military law prohibits him from entering a guilty plea because authorities are seeking the death penalty. But if he is convicted and sentenced to death in a trial that starts Tuesday, there are likely years, if not decades, of appeals ahead.

He may never make it to the death chamber at all.

While the Hasan case is unusually complex, experts also say the military justice system is unaccustomed to dealing with death penalty cases and has struggled to avoid overturned sentences.

Eleven of the 16 death sentences handed down by military juries in the last 30 years have been overturned, according to an academic study and court records. No active-duty soldier has been executed since 1961.

A reversed verdict or sentence on appeal in the Hasan case would be a fiasco for prosecutors and the Army. That's one reason why prosecutors and the military judge have been deliberate leading up to trial, said Geoffrey Corn, a professor at the South Texas College of Law and former military lawyer.

"The public looks and says, `This is an obviously guilty defendant. What's so hard about this?'" Corn said. "What seems so simple is in fact relatively complicated."

Hasan is charged with 13 specifications of premeditated murder and 32 specifications of attempted premeditated murder. Thirteen officers from around the country who hold Hasan's rank or higher will serve on the jury for a trial that will likely last one month and probably longer. They must be unanimous to convict Hasan of murder and sentence him to death. Three-quarters of the panel must vote for an attempted murder conviction.

The jury will likely hear from victims and relatives of the dead. A handful of victims still carry bullet fragments in their body. Others have nightmares.

"It never goes away - being upset that it's taken so long for this trial to come," said Staff Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who was shot in the head, stomach and upper body. "So now's the day of reckoning, which is positive - very positive."

The trial's start has been delayed over and over, often due to requests from Hasan. Any of the hundreds of decisions large or small could be fair game on appeal. The entire record will be scrutinized by military appeals courts that have overturned most of the death sentences they've considered.

"A good prosecutor, in military parlance, would be foolish to fight only the close battle," Corn said. "He's got to fight the close battle and the future battle. And the future battle is the appellate record."

Hasan has twice dismissed his lawyers and now plans to represent himself at trial. He's suggested he wants to argue the killings were in "defense of others" - namely, members of the Taliban fighting Americans in Afghanistan. The trial judge, Col. Tara Osborn, has so far denied that strategy.

Hasan has grown a beard while in custody that he says expresses his Muslim faith, but violates military rules on decorum. After a military judge ordered him forcibly shaved, an appeals court stayed that order and took another judge off the case.

The last man executed in the military system was Pvt. John Bennett, hanged in 1961 for raping an 11-year-old girl. Five men are on the military death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., but none are close to being executed.

An inmate was taken off death row just last year. Kenneth Parker was condemned for killing two fellow Marines in North Carolina, including Lance Cpl. Rodney Page. But Parker was given life without parole last September by an appeals court. The court found his trial judge should have not allowed him to be tried for both murders at the same time, nor should the judge have allowed testimony that the appeals court said was irrelevant to the crimes.

Parker's accomplice in the killings, Wade Walker, was also sentenced to death, only for the sentence to be overturned.

Examples abound of other death sentences set aside. They include William Kreutzer Jr., who killed one soldier and wounded 18 others in a 1995 shooting spree at Fort Bragg, N.C.; James T. Murphy, who killed his wife in Germany by smashing her head with a hammer; and Melvin Turner, who killed his 11-month-old daughter with a razor blade.

Part of the problem, experts say, is that death penalty cases are rare in military courts.

A study in the Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology identified just 41 cases between 1984 and 2005 where a defendant faced a court-martial on a capital charge. Meanwhile, more than 500 people have been executed since 1982 in the civilian system in Texas, the nation's most active death-penalty state.

While lawyers and judges in Texas may get multiple death penalty cases a year, many military judges and lawyers often are on their first, said Victor Hansen, another former prosecutor who now teaches at the New England School of Law. The military courts that are required to review each death-penalty verdict are also more cautious and likely to pinpoint possible errors that might pass muster at a civilian court, Hansen and Corn said.

Hansen compared the military's conundrum to small states that have a death-penalty law on the books, but never use it.

"You don't have a lot of experience or institutional knowledge," said Hansen, who compared it to "the reinventing of the wheel every time one is done."

If Hasan is convicted and sentenced to death, his case will automatically go before appeals courts for the Army and the armed forces. If those courts affirm the sentence, he could ask the Supreme Court for a review or file motions in federal civilian courts.

The president, as the military commander in chief, must sign off on a death sentence.

"If history is any guide, it's going to be a long, long, long time," Hansen said.


Associated Press writer Allen G. Breed contributed to this report.

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শনিবার, ৩ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Mano a mano over Dell: Icahn vows to fight on


14 hours ago

(FILES) CEO of Dell Inc, Michael Dell applauds after a speaker's address while taking part in an interactive session organised by the Confederation of...

STRDEL / AFP - Getty Images

Dell CEO and founder Michael Dell at a meeting of the Confederation of Indian Industries in Bangalore, January 9, 2012. Voting on a proposal to take computer-maker Dell private was delayed on Friday after Dell agreed to raise the offering price and change the vote-counting system.

The battle for Dell is far from over. Billionaire activist Carl Icahn vowed on Friday to keep fighting for control of the computer maker.

The latest skirmish came after the company said Dell's special committee had reached agreement with the buyout group led by CEO Michael Dell to purchase the company for $13.75 per share. The deal values the company at about $25 billion.

The Round Rock, Texas, company said a group led by its founder and the investment firm Silver Lake Partners will tack a one-time shareholder payout of 13 cents per share to an offer they made last week to buy the company for $13.75 per share. Michael Dell is funding the 13 cents a share special dividend personally.

The company, which has been locked in a public brawl with Icahn, has indicated it is changing its voting standard for a new, higher offer. Toward that end, Dell dramatically reduced the amount it would cost to break up the deal, to $180 million from $450 million. That may open the door for an eventual agreement with the activist Icahn, who has agitated for months to buy the struggling computer giant.

Icahn responded to the new deal via Twitter stating, "We are pleased to have won another battle in the Dell war but the war itself is far from over. More to follow."

On Thursday, Icahn filed a lawsuit to prevent Dell from setting a new record date, the latest in a series of efforts to derail the deal. According to the company, the terms of Dell's buyout agreement include moving the record date to mid-August.

(Read more: Icahn files lawsuit over latest Dell buyout offer)

Icahn isn't the only investor against the deal.

Shareholder Stephen Yacktman, in a statement, said, "The company, increases in value every month. There is no increase in valuation being paid. Shareholders are just getting paid with their own money."

He added: "If the special committee was truly concerned about the shareholders, they would let the shareholders vote on Icahn's proposal and board. What kind of board makes shareholders sue to get to be able to exercise their legal right to vote? By law, the shareholder meeting needs to beheld by mid-August."

In afternoon trading on the Nasdaq, Dell's shares rose more than 5 percent to $13.66. (For the latest stock price, click here.)

Shareholders were scheduled to vote this morning on a lower offer to buy the company for $13.65 per share. That vote has been postponed. Shareholders who own the stock as of Aug. 13 will be eligible to vote at a Sept. 12 special meeting on the new deal. The company will hold its annual meeting on Oct. 17.

Dell's founder and private equity firm Silver Lake want to take the company private, arguing that a painful restructuring can best be best performed away from stock market scrutiny.

But the battle over that deal has raged for months, adding further uncertainty about a company already shrinking along with a rapidly declining PC market.

(Reuters and the Associated Press contributed to this report)

Source: http://feeds.nbcnews.com/c/35002/f/663286/s/2f7ddd3e/sc/2/l/0L0Snbcnews0N0Cbusiness0Cmano0Emano0Eover0Edell0Eicahn0Evows0Efight0E6C10A82480A8/story01.htm

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Stomach bug in 2 states linked to Mexican farm

In this image provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a photomicrograph of a fresh stool sample, which had been prepared using a 10% formalin solution, and stained with modified acid-fast stain, reveals the presence of four Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts in the field of view. Iowa and Nebraska health officials said Tuesday, July 30, 2013, that a prepackaged salad mix is the source of a cyclospora outbreak that sickened more than 178 people in both states. Cyclospora is a rare parasite that causes a lengthy gastrointestinal illness. (AP Photo/Centerd for Disease Control and Prevention)

In this image provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a photomicrograph of a fresh stool sample, which had been prepared using a 10% formalin solution, and stained with modified acid-fast stain, reveals the presence of four Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts in the field of view. Iowa and Nebraska health officials said Tuesday, July 30, 2013, that a prepackaged salad mix is the source of a cyclospora outbreak that sickened more than 178 people in both states. Cyclospora is a rare parasite that causes a lengthy gastrointestinal illness. (AP Photo/Centerd for Disease Control and Prevention)

Graphic identifies the states where cases of cyclospora infection have been reported to the CDC; 1c x 6 inches; 46.5 mm x 152 mm;

WASHINGTON (AP) ? An outbreak of stomach illnesses in Iowa and Nebraska has been linked to salad mix served at local Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants and supplied by a Mexican farm.

The outbreak of cyclospora infections has sickened more than 400 people in 16 states. The Food and Drug Administration says it is still working to determine whether the salad mix is the source of illnesses in the other 14 states.

"It is not yet clear whether the cases reported from other states are all part of the same outbreak," the agency said in a statement. "The investigation of increased cases of cyclosporiasis in other states continues."

Both Olive Garden and Red Lobster are owned by Orlando-based Darden Restaurants. In a statement, Darden spokesman Mike Bernstein said the FDA's announcement is "new information."

"Nothing we have seen prior to this announcement gave us any reason to be concerned about the products we've received from this supplier," Bernstein said.

The FDA said it traced illnesses from the restaurants in Nebraska and Iowa to Taylor Farms de Mexico, the Mexican branch of Salinas, Calif.-based Taylor Farms. The company, which provides produce to the food service industry, said its facility located about 180 miles north of Mexico City in San Miguel de Allende is the only one of its 12 sites to be connected to the cases.

In an email, the chairman and CEO of Taylor Farms, Bruce Taylor, said the Mexican plant produced 48 million servings of salads for thousands of restaurants in the Midwest and eastern U.S. in June, the month the outbreak started. He said the facility has an extensive water testing program.

"All our tests have been negative and we have no evidence of cyclospora in our product," Taylor said. "We are working closely with the FDA to continue this investigation."

Taylor said Taylor Farms de Mexico does not supply Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants in Texas, the state with the second most illnesses in the outbreak. According to CDC, 113 of the illnesses reported so far were in Texas. Iowa has had 146 illnesses and Nebraska 81.

In an additional statement on the company's website, Taylor Farms says the Mexican facility is "state of the art and has an exceptional food safety record." The statement said the product is out of the food supply.

The FDA said it had audited the Mexican processing facility in 2011 and found "no notable issues," according to the agency. The agency said it would increase surveillance efforts for green leafy products imported from Mexico.

The most recent known illness in the two states linked to the infected salad was in Nebraska a month ago. The typical shelf life for a salad mix is up to 14 days.

There have been more recent illnesses in other states. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most recent illness was July 23 but centers did not specify a location.

The agency said its investigation has not implicated any packaged salad sold in grocery stores.


Follow Mary Clare Jalonick on Twitter at http://twitter.com/mcjalonick

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2013-08-03-US-Stomach-Bug-Outbreak/id-2150ee900c5e408a8b4a08ed24fff83c

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শুক্রবার, ২ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Health, Wellness, Fitness and Beauty 08/08 by Health and Whole ...

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  • If you?re not using HootSuite to manage and measure your social media, you?re missing out! Kemp Edmonds fills you in on the latest platform management trends.

  • Michael Fairman welcomes ?One Life to Live? EP Jennifer Pepperman, who shares deets on the storylines, cast and writers that make the town of Llanview thrive!

  • For those living with breast cancer and friends of those considering surgery, tune in for a heartwarming and informative roundtable on prevention and treatment.

  • Michael Jackson was known for a lot of things, but cursing wasn?t one of them. So when chef Robl? heard him bust out an X-rated term, it threw him for a loop.

  • Husband of ?Real Housewives of Atlanta? star Cynthia Bailey, Peter Thomas discusses his work in showbiz and the couple?s new book, ?Carry-On Baggage.?

  • Wrestling diva, model and manager Samantha Anne answers questions about the weird world of pro wrestling and life inside and outside the ring.

  • As we near the 50th Anniversary of JFK?s assassination, Jack Duffy discusses his latest book, "The Man from 2063," which draws on his extensive research.

  • Two of New York's most profound and talented artists, Dominique Fishback and Sosoon, tell us how they use their craft to make a difference.

  • World-renowned psychic Neil Baker delves into the vast and expansive world of psychic phenomenon, the mission of truth and how to live an authentic life.

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  • Andrew Pothecary has led the conception, creation, design and development of ForestNation, and is committed to encouraging everyone to grow their own tree.

  • Tami Fenton of stabthemonkey.com explains how to eliminate self-defeating behaviors that keep us from realizing our dreams and goals.

  • Nationally recognized speaker and award-winning writer Dianne Gray discusses her role as producer of ?On Our Own Terms,? a PBS documentary on end-of-life care.

  • Author Randy Richardson discusses the messages of his book, ?Cheeseland,? which delves into friendship, loyalty and the destructive nature of unresolved anger.

  • Recording artist Arika Kane discusses her love of music, the rewards of following her passion and the creation of her new album, ?Substance.?

  • Award-winning actress Jen Lilley chats about her new role on ?Days of Our Lives? and shares stories and insights from her stellar career.

  • With 42 million books in print, Hans Wilhelm is a prominent author/illustrator of children's books. He discusses his 2006 work, ?The Book of Courage.?

  • Meet Miss Coco Peru, one of the most fabulous drag queens on the planet, who has interviewed such stars as Jane Fonda.

  • Dr. Susan Jamieson discusses how to bring light into your life, and shares tips and exercises for well-being and happiness.

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  • Bestselling author Tricia Goyer chats about her stellar career and her new project, the community blog "Not Quite Amish," about simple living and vintage style.

  • Valerie Ann, owner and creator of My Florida Bikini Models, talks about the brand-new Florida apparel company she?s designed.

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    Park stumbles down the stretch, opens with 69

    South Korea's Inbee Park reacts after her tee shot on the first hole during the first round of the Women's British Open golf championship on the Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland, Thursday Aug. 1, 2013. The 25-year-old from South Korea already has won three majors this year. She is trying to become the first golfer, male or female, to win four in one season. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

    South Korea's Inbee Park reacts after her tee shot on the first hole during the first round of the Women's British Open golf championship on the Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland, Thursday Aug. 1, 2013. The 25-year-old from South Korea already has won three majors this year. She is trying to become the first golfer, male or female, to win four in one season. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

    South Korea's Inbee Park gestures on the first green during the first round of the Women's British Open golf championship on the Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland, Thursday Aug. 1, 2013. The 25-year-old from South Korea already has won three majors this year. She is trying to become the first golfer, male or female, to win four in one season. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

    Korea's Inbee Park tees off on the second hole during the first round of the Women's British Open golf championship on the Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland, Thursday Aug. 1, 2013. The 25-year-old from South Korea already has won three majors this year. She is trying to become the first golfer, male or female, to win four in one season. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

    South Korea's Inbee Park watches her shot on the first fairway during the first round of the Women's British Open golf championship on the Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland, Thursday Aug. 1, 2013. The 25-year-old from South Korea already has won three majors this year. She is trying to become the first golfer, male or female, to win four in one season. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

    South Korea's Inbee Park tees off on the first hole during the first round of the Women's British Open golf championship on the Old Course at St Andrews, Scotland, Thursday Aug. 1, 2013. The 25-year-old from South Korea already has won three majors this year. She is trying to become the first golfer, male or female, to win four in one season. (AP Photo/Scott Heppell)

    (AP) ? Inbee Park began her pursuit of an unprecedented fourth straight major with a 3-under 69 on Thursday in the Women's British Open.

    For 10 holes, it looked as though Park would be tough to beat. After a ragged back nine, she was happy to break 70.

    Park made five putts from 15 feet or longer in an amazing display with the putter. She made six birdies in 10 holes to get her name atop the leaderboard at St. Andrews. But the 25-year-old South Korean began missing fairways, and she took double bogey from a pot bunker in front of the 16th green.

    Stacy Lewis, hopeful of being a spoiler this week, had five birdies on the back nine and was the clubhouse leader at 5-under 67.

    Associated Press

    Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2013-08-01-GLF-Women's-British-Open/id-e57c79354a714839b87a5018004a5dec

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