বৃহস্পতিবার, ১ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Explosions, Dragons, Gods, and Oh My!

So you're here because you were interested in my title and decided to take some interest in it; great! But I have to tell you now I am probably the most fussiest person when it comes to my partners, and you need to be able to post at least a certain amount for me to stay interested in the roleplay. That requirement is 600+ words a post, the more (around 1000 a post) would be the best that you could give me and I would love something like that at the moment. It makes me feel like I'm writing a novel and that always soothes me. This should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, so if you can't post at least 600+ words then don't ask me to roleplay with you, not because I'm being cruel, but I don't want to push yourself (unless desired.)

As for the plot I would like it to be something fantasy based, we can discuss it further in PM and I would love to get to know you more before we start a roleplay! After all we will be writing a story together, least we should do is to get to know each other some more! I'm someone who will talk with my partner in PM during the roleplay, planning everything out and making sure that both of us are comfortable with what is going on.

Sample Post
( If you'd like to see more please PM me. )

    The smell of blood was what woke her up. There was an immense lust of pain snacking on the left side of her face where her ear had once been. Letting out a small gasp of pain, she kept her eyes closed as her hand gingerly went to explore the region of her head in which was now just a pulpy hole in the side of her head. She withdrew her hand above feeling the sting of pain shocking her fully awake and to her senses. This is when she opened her eyes, blinking the blood and dirt away from them; they stung from only god knows what. Pushing herself up on weary arms she then realized for the first time that there were large metal chuffs around her wrists, as well as around her ankles. She also managed to get a good look at where she was, which was in a large metal cell, Flint lying unconscious not five feet away from her. What was he doing here? Had Valgrid managed to capture him as well? Dammit! Wait ? why should she care that he had been captured? And yet there it was, a brief conclusion of compassion treading through her. That had been something that she had not felt for so many years...

    Just before she was going to make her way over to him, to see if he was okay she heard the sounds of footsteps coming down the hallway of the aisle of cells. She sat up now, and watched as some deformed figure made his way to her and Flint?s cell. The man was an abomination, with large tumor-like lumps covering his face and hands. He had for eyes, and only one ear; his nose was pushed up like some kind of pig snout and his teeth were jutted and yellow. Maslow knew who this being was, and she was not thrilled that he was here. ?Davok,? she hissed as she looked at the man who had served as a loyal commander under Valgrid. He like her had been a human once, though when he had become infected with a serious ailment he had been burned alive to prevent it from spreading. Since then he had worked as a loyal follower of Valgrid and someone that the feline general had always trusted. She had heard horror stories about Davok, and how he enjoyed the smell of burning flesh, and once he burned you alive would eat your ashes. Of course she had never met him in person, considering that she had never ventured into Valgrid?s realm (and she had never wanted to.) This confirmed her suspicion (and fear) that they had been indeed dragged into his realm.

    ?Maslow...? The creature smirked, as he licked his lips; ?I see that you?ve finally realized who your betters are.? He spoke with a chuckle, and one that sent shivers up the girl?s spine. ?And this one with you ? the elder god, is it really him?? The deformed man leaned against the outer bars of their cell and started to stare at Flint?s still shape. ?I?m surprised that you?ve decided to become his pet Maslow, after what he and his followers did to you.? This only made the girl angrier and she found herself biting down on her lip enough so that it started to bleed. This made it obvious that she was angry with what he was saying, and only seemed to egg him on even more so. ?What a pathetic specimen he is, almost as low as you are; because let?s face it the godly fool who allowed our lord to trick him is obviously much more cunning then the one who would turn away from Shi-Lun.? Davok?s yellowed teeth drew back in a wild smirk as he obviously waited for Maslow to say something in a snappy response. But when that didn?t come he only seemed saddened by it. ?Oh Maslow, where is the great wit I have heard so much about, hm? Where this that girl? I heard that she was much more interesting.?

    The girl took a deep breath and looked at him; ?I will not sink to your level creature; now be gone!? She hissed angrily as she weakly pointed to one of the ends of the hallway. ?Tell your master that I am a wake and that I?m awaiting whatever judgement that he decides.? She knew that Valgrid would not let her live, there was no way that she was getting out of this with her life. He would only keep Flint alive so that he could be handed over to the Great Spirit and he could take the credit for it. In the end both she and Flint would die, and there was nothing that could be done about it; was there? So looking the creature in its eyes she narrowed her own, trying to make her seem as aggressive as she could, even in this pathetic state. She was surprised when Davok merely rolled his eyes and turned to walk down the hallway, obviously gone to tell Valgrid that at least one of the prisoners was up and ready.

    That was when she realized that she had yet to check on Flint, and so crawling over next to him, she started to shake his shoulders with one hand (as the other was bound and unable to reach that far.) She could see that his face had taken a large blow during the fight, and that one of his eyes had probably been seriously damaged. ?Flint!? She hissed, ?Flint! Wake up!? She wondered what had happened to get him caught as well. Did he follow after her? Did Valgrid come back for him? She would have to wait for him to wake up for him to tell her what had happened. Maybe he would even come up with some way to get them out of here ? even though it was unlikely. She had heard about Valgrid?s prisons and how he had fused the walls with anti-magic rock, which made doing spells (or in their case transforming) next to impossible. They would have to come up with a dreadfully clever plan to get out of this place.

    And Maslow wasn?t getting her hopes up.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/hUybXf3ZlYA/viewtopic.php

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