সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

How to make stem cells: Nuclear reprogramming moves a step forward

ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2012) ? The idea of taking a mature cell and removing its identity (nuclear reprogramming) so that it can then become any kind of cell, holds great promise for repairing damaged tissue or replacing bone marrow after chemotherapy. Hot on the heels of his recent Nobel prize Dr John B. Gurdon has published October 29 in BioMed Central's open access journal Epigenetics & Chromatin? research showing that histone H3.3 deposited by the histone-interacting protein HIRA is a key step in reverting nuclei to a pluripotent type, capable of being any one of many cell types.

All of an individual's cells have the same DNA, yet these cells become programmed, as the organism matures, into different types such as heart, or lung or brain. To achieve this different genes are more or less permanently switched off in each cell lineage. As an embryo grows, after a certain number of divisions, it is no longer possible for cells which have gone down the pathway to become something else. For example heart cells cannot be converted into lung tissue, and muscle cells cannot form bone.

One way to reprogram DNA is to transfer the nucleus of a mature cell into an unfertilized egg. Proteins and other factors inside the egg alter the DNA switching some genes on and other off until it resembles the DNA of a pluripotent cell. However there seem to be some difficulties with this method in completely wiping the cell's 'memory'.

One of the mechanisms regulating the activation of genes is chromatin and in particular histones. DNA is wrapped around histones and alteration in how the DNA is wound changes which genes are available to the cell. In order to understand how nuclear reprogramming works Dr Gurdon's team transplanted a mouse nucleus into a frog oocyte (Xenopus laevis). They added fluorescently tagged histones by microinjection, so that they could see where in the cell and nucleus the these histones collected.

Prof Gurdon explained, "Using real-time microscopy it became apparent that from 10 hours onwards H3.3 (the histone involved with active genes) expressed in the oocyte became incorporated into the transplanted nucleus. When we looked in detail at the gene Oct4, which is known to be involved in making cells pluripotent, we found that H3.3 was incorporated into Oct4, and that this coincided with the onset of transcription from the gene." Prof Gurdon's team also found that Hira, a protein required to incorporate H3.3 into chromatin, was also required for nuclear reprogramming.

Dr Steven Henikoff, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, commented, "Manipulating the H3.3 pathway may provide a way to completely wipe a cell's 'memory' and produce a truly pluripotent cell. Half a century after showing that cells can be reprogrammed this research provides a link to the work of Shinya Yamanaka (who shared the prize), and suggests that chromatin is a sticking point preventing artificially induced reprogramming being used routinely in the clinic."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central Limited, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jerome Jullien, Carolina Astrand, Emmanuelle Szenker, Nigel Garrett, Genevieve Almouzni and John Gurdon. HIRA dependent H3.3 deposition is required for transcriptional reprogramming following nuclear transfer to Xenopus oocytes. Epigenetics & Chromatin, 2012 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-5-17

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/GV92m3o8onU/121029082221.htm

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

DCmud - The Urban Real Estate Digest of Washington DC: White ...

The Montgomery County Planning Board will vote?today on a preliminary plan put forward by the owners of the White Flint Mall to transform the 1970's-era shopping mall into a high-density development with over 5 million s.f. of residential and commercial development.

As indoor malls fade across America, mall owners Lerner Enterprises and the Tower Companies?plan to replace the mall, and an adjacent office building, which sits on 45 acres on the east side of Rockville Pike, half a mile from the White Flint Metro Station. An attorney representing the developers said the owners have declined to comment before the hearing.

The genesis for redevelopment plans came after the County's approval of the White Flint Sector Plan?in 2010.? That plan allowed additional development on?properties in the 430 acres covered by the plan, many along Rockville Pike and near the metro, from single-use commercial to vertical mixed-use. Construction won't come quickly; today's sketch plan approval vote will be solely conceptual and preliminary; owners will still have to submit a Preliminary Plan followed by a Site Plan process, all of which could take years to finalize.

The mall redevelopment is part of the White Flint Mall District within the larger Sector Plan.?? Plans call for replacing?acres?of surface parking and the 874,000 s.f. mall with a 5.2 million s.f. development that will include commercial, residential, and hotel space. ?To date, the Pike and Rose has been the only project to commence since passage of the Sector Plan.

Unlike the existing mall, the new plan calls for primarily underground parking and includes 1 million s.f. of office space, 280,350 s.f. of hotel space, 2,426 residential units (2.8 million s.f.), and 1 million s.f. of retail.? Plans also set aside a site for a possible future elementary school, lay out a grid of public and private streets, and sketch out a new a public park area north of the existing White Flint Neighborhood Park.

Planned building heights range from 40 feet to 250 feet, with the tallest fronting Rockville Pike and the shortest buildings facing the public park.? The plan, which would be built in three phases, details other public-use spaces - a central plaza, a gateway plaza, north and south gateway plazas, and a neighborhood plaza - which county planners say must be built to completion.

County planners are also requiring developers to include wayfinding signs, vegetated areas and walls, small business opportunities, moderately-priced dwelling units (MPDU's), and bicycle parking, among other obvious things like transportation and storm water management plans.

Source: http://dcmud.blogspot.com/2012/10/white-flint-mall-plan-goes-before-county.html

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Pigs may look healthy but can test positive for flu at fairs

ScienceDaily (Oct. 24, 2012) ? More than 80 percent of pigs that tested positive for influenza A virus at Ohio county fairs between 2009 and 2011 showed no signs of illness, according to a new study.

Ohio State University researchers tested 20 pigs each at 53 fair events over those three summers and found at least one flu-positive pig at 12 fairs -- almost a quarter of fairs tested.

The influenza strains identified in pigs in this study include H1N2 and H3N2 viruses -- strains that have been circulating in pigs since 1998. In 2011, all of the H3N2 and H1N2 isolates found in pigs at the fairs contained a gene from the 2009 pandemic strain of H1N1, which is similar to the H3N2v strain causing human illness this year.

Though this finding alone is no cause for panic, it does show how quickly influenza viruses can change, said Andrew Bowman, lead author of the study and a Ph.D. candidate in veterinary preventive medicine at Ohio State.

In a second study led by Bowman, researchers compared the genomic sequences of influenza A viruses recovered in July 2012 from pigs and people. The analysis, showing a greater than 99 percent genetic similarity among the viruses, confirms that pigs and humans were infected with the same virus, indicating interspecies transmission.

As of Sept. 25 this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had confirmed 107 human cases of H3N2v influenza in Ohio since July 2012, with the majority linked to exposure to pigs at agricultural fairs. While most of the human illness caused by H3N2v has been mild, one person, who had a compromised immune system, has died.

The more often that flu viruses are transmitted, the better their chances are of evolving into a strain to which humans are not immune, which is the big-picture concern among scientists monitoring these viral infections.

"Pigs can be infected with human-, avian- and swine-origin influenza viruses, making it possible for these viruses to easily swap their genetic material, which could allow for a new strain to emerge," Bowman said. "The potential is there for newly emerged strains to be the next pandemic we never saw coming."

Bowman and colleagues will continue to investigate strategies to protect swine and public health. In the meantime, the research group has offered potential risk mitigation strategies for fairs with swine competitions to consider: shortening the pig exhibition period, avoiding movement of pigs from one fair to the next, and vaccinating exhibition swine for appropriate influenza A viruses. In addition, the CDC recommends that people with compromised immune systems avoid pig displays at fairs.

Both studies appear online and are scheduled for later print publication. The three-year surveillance at Ohio fairs is published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, and the analysis of human and pig viruses appears in Emerging Microbes & Infections.

Each summer, agricultural fairs bring together animal and human populations that normally don't spend much time in the same place. Pigs are susceptible to multiple strains of influenza A viruses, and the three-year surveillance suggests that the daily visual inspection of pigs at fairs isn't effective at identifying pigs infected with influenza A viruses. This combination of facts adds up to an environment conducive for the transmission of influenza A viruses among pigs and between humans and pigs, potentially in both directions.

"The prevalence of flu in market-weight pigs in commercial swine-production settings is pretty low. But finding flu at the fair shouldn't be that surprising. If you bring 200-plus pigs together from multiple locations and house them with new neighbors for a week in a new environment, they are all bound to share pathogens," Bowman said. "But we were surprised to find as much flu as we did subclinically, when pigs weren't showing any signs of illness."

Bowman and his colleagues, members of the College of Veterinary Medicine's Animal Influenza Ecology and Epidemiology Research Program, tested pigs at 15 Ohio county fairs in 2009, 16 in 2010 and 22 in 2011, using nasal swabs to collect their samples.

The scientists found influenza A virus in at least one pig at 12 (22.6 percent) of the 53 fairs. At the fairs where flu was detected in the pigs, the average frequency of virus detection was 63 percent. Pigs showing signs of illness were observed and tested positive for flu at two fairs, and pigs without signs of illness but positive for flu were found at 10 (18.9 percent) of the 53 fairs. That means pigs at 10 of 12 fairs with positive flu cases, or 83.3 percent of flu-positive pigs, actually didn't appear to be sick. A total of 1,073 pigs were tested over the three-year period.

"This is an explanation of why people were becoming infected in 2012 -- because a high percentage of infected pigs with no clinical symptoms are exhibited at fairs," said Richard Slemons, professor of veterinary preventive medicine at Ohio State and senior author of both studies. "There is potentially high exposure. Therefore, this is something we hadn't seen before or did not know was going on because no one had systematically examined fairs."

Influenza A virus usually infects the respiratory tract, and pigs can "shed" the virus into the air. Slemons described flu-positive swine areas as potentially under a "cloud" of flu particles that would be difficult to avoid. Swine infected with flu typically show clinical signs similar to those in humans: nasal discharge, cough, fever, lethargy and poor appetite.

In the second study, the researchers used swine-origin virus isolates collected during fair surveillance that had continued into the summer of 2012, and obtained the genetic sequences of human-origin influenza A virus isolates from GenBank, the National Institutes of Health genetic sequence database. The human viruses had been recovered from people with flu-like illness following exposure to pigs at an Ohio fair in July 2012.

The timing of the illnesses and the proximity of humans and pigs suggested the viruses were the same, but it was the higher than 99 percent similarity in the viruses' genetic sequences that confirmed interspecies transmission, Bowman said.

"This study presents clear molecular evidence that pigs and humans were concurrently infected with the same strain of influenza A virus at an Ohio county fair in July 2012," he said.

Bowman noted that the results of the two studies create new questions: How do these viruses get to the fair, what can be done to lessen the risk to animals and people, and are the infections going in only one direction, from pigs to humans?

The research program members are continuing to monitor the antigenic and genomic properties of type A influenza viruses in swine.

"It is possible that humans are infecting the pigs. The lineage of the H3N2 strains we see in pigs can be tracked back to the human seasonal flu of the 1990s," Bowman said. "Human-to-swine transmission of influenza viruses has the potential to significantly impact swine health."

He noted that influenza A virus is not considered a food-safety risk as long as pork is cooked properly.

This work was supported by the Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Minnesota Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's National Veterinary Services Laboratories.

Jacqueline Nolting and Sarah Nelson of Ohio State's Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine were co-authors on both papers. Additional co-authors of the Emerging Microbes & Infections paper include Srinand Sreevatsan and Carol Cardona of the University of Minnesota, Mary Killian of the USDA and Shannon Page of the Ohio Department of Health.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. Andrew S. Bowman, Jacqueline M. Nolting, Sarah W. Nelson, and Richard D. Slemons. Subclinical Influenza Virus A Infections in Pigs Exhibited at Agricultural Fairs, Ohio, USA, 2009?2011. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2012 [link]
  2. Andrew S Bowman, Srinand Sreevatsan, Mary L Killian, Shannon L Page, Sarah W Nelson, Jacqueline M Nolting, Carol Cardona, Richard D Slemons. Molecular evidence for interspecies transmission of H3N2pM/H3N2v influenza A viruses at an Ohio agricultural fair, July 2012. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2012; 1 (10): e33 DOI: 10.1038/emi.2012.33

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/living_well/~3/hWZQV_uyXe4/121024164622.htm

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Soyuz with astronauts docks with space station

sIN a photo provided by NASA members of the media photograph the Soyuz rocket as it launches with Expedition 33/34 crew members, Soyuz Commander Oleg Novitskiy, Flight Engineer Kevin Ford of NASA, and Flight Engineer Evgeny Tarelkin of ROSCOSMOS to the International Space Station on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012, in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Ford, Novitskiy and Tarelkin will be on a five-month mission aboard the International Space Station. (AP Photo/NASA,Bill Ingalls)

sIN a photo provided by NASA members of the media photograph the Soyuz rocket as it launches with Expedition 33/34 crew members, Soyuz Commander Oleg Novitskiy, Flight Engineer Kevin Ford of NASA, and Flight Engineer Evgeny Tarelkin of ROSCOSMOS to the International Space Station on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012, in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Ford, Novitskiy and Tarelkin will be on a five-month mission aboard the International Space Station. (AP Photo/NASA,Bill Ingalls)

The Soyuz-FG rocket booster with Soyuz TMA-06M space ship carrying a new crew to the International Space Station, ISS, blasts off from the Russian-leased Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. The Russian rocket carries U.S. astronaut Kevin Ford and two Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin. (AP Photo/NASA, Bill Ingalls)

(AP) ? A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying three astronauts and a consignment of fish successfully docked Thursday with the International Space Station after a two-day voyage.

The arrival of NASA astronaut Kevin Ford and Russians Oleg Novitsky and Yevgeny Tarelkin on Thursday brings the crew at the orbiting outpost to six.

Novitsky gently slotted the Soyuz craft into the Russian Poisk research module around 410 kilometers (255 miles) above southern Ukraine around six minutes ahead of the scheduled 1235 GMT (8:35 a.m. EDT) arrival.

The trio blasted off Tuesday from a Russian-leased facility in the southern Kazakhstan town of Baikonur.

Incoming cargo includes 32 guppy-like fish that will be used to test how conditions in space impact on living organisms.

Akihiko Hoshide, an astronaut with Japan's JAXA space agency, spent early Thursday morning preparing an aquarium on the Japanese experiment module called "Kibo," or Hope.

"The importance of these very small fishes is that they have bones and muscles just like human beings," Hoshide told NASA TV earlier this year before the start of his mission. "What we're trying to do is have them stay in space for a longer duration and then bring them down to look at their bone structure and muscles."

The hardy Medaka fish, which can grow up to four centimeters (1.6 inches), are considered particularly suitable for the study as they have transparent bodies that enable scrutiny of their internal organs.

A spacewalk by Hoshide and U.S. astronaut Suni Williams to repair an ammonia leak from the station's temperature control system is planned for next Thursday.

NASA says ammonia is pumped through the station's system to keep electronics and other equipment cool.

Another task in the frenetic workload over the incoming crew's first week in orbit will be the unberthing Sunday of a commercial Dragon cargo vehicle.

The capsule loaded with completed scientific experiments will splash down in the afternoon in the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of Baja California.

The growing capabilities of private space vehicle companies have boosted hopes that NASA will be able to focus increasingly on more ambitious exploration projects.

Earlier this month, California-based SpaceX successfully delivered supplies to the space station on Dragon, the first official shipment under a $1.6 billion contract with NASA. It calls for 12 such shipments.

Cygnus, the first cargo vehicle to the station from Orbital Sciences Corp., of Dulles, Virginia, is scheduled for December.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/b2f0ca3a594644ee9e50a8ec4ce2d6de/Article_2012-10-25-Space%20Station/id-57467143c9d54caebb02a4ef81523097

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Firm avoided sanctions before meningitis outbreak

BOSTON (Reuters) - The pharmacy tied to a deadly U.S. meningitis outbreak escaped harsh punishment from health regulators several times in the years leading up to a deadly U.S. meningitis outbreak that has raised questions about oversight of the customized drug mixing industry, newly released state records show.

Problems at the New England Compounding Center (NECC) in Framingham, Massachusetts, date as far back as 1999, the year after it began operations, according to hundreds of pages of documents obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request.

And the documents show regulators refraining from the harshest sanctions available to them, even as the list of complaints against NECC continued to grow.

The documents come to light after 23 people have died and close to 300 have become ill with fungal meningitis linked to steroid shots from NECC given to thousands of patients across the country. And a top medical expert says the outbreak is not over and there will be more cases in the coming weeks.

Among the reported problems was a company official handing out blank prescriptions. And an outside evaluation firm found inadequate documentation and inadequate process controls involving sterilization at NECC in 2006, the documents show.

"Although your facility has seen significant upgrades in facility design for the sterile compounding operation, there were numerous significant gaps identified during the assessment," according to a 2006 letter to NECC from Pharmacy Support Inc, an outside evaluation firm.

Summing up the violations and concerns, one state inspector in 2004 recommended the company be given a formal reprimand, a sanction that would be made public and potentially hurt business.

The complaints hinted at bigger problems emerging at NECC as it grew from a tiny family business owned by chief pharmacist Barry Cadden and his brother-in-law, Gregory Conigliaro, into a drug compounding juggernaut selling products in bulk to hospitals and clinics in nearly 50 states.

"New England Compounding Center worked cooperatively with the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy to resolve to the Board's satisfaction any issues brought to the company's attention," NECC said in a statement on Monday.

NECC's improvements drew praise from George Cayer, president of the pharmacy board at the time.

"The board commends NECC on the progress to date," Cayer said in an April 12, 2006 letter. Cayer is currently a member of the pharmacy board.


The pharmacy board initially proposed sanctioning NECC in 2004 with three years of probation and a public reprimand amid allegations that the pharmacy violated accepted standards for compounding methylprednisolone acetate, the same steroid that is linked to the current fungal meningitis outbreak.

But two years later, the board agreed to a nondisciplinary settlement. It also agreed not to report the agreement to the National Association of State Boards of Pharmacy or other outside agencies. NECC's lawyer had pleaded with the board not to issue a public reprimand because it could put the company out of business.

In 2004, pharmacists in Iowa and Wisconsin complained to the board that NECC and its chief pharmacist, Barry Cadden, were soliciting out-of-state prescriptions for office use and using a form unapproved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

That same year, the board issued another advisory letter to NECC noting that it had received a complaint from a "concerned Texas pharmacist about products being solicited by Barry Cadden." An investigation revealed that NECC was offering an eye treatment and improperly included promotional material and terminology in the advertisements.

Pharmacies such as NECC are typically allowed only to compound drugs based on a specific prescription written by a physician for an individual patient. They are not generally allowed to solicit business or to promote products that have not been requested by physicians.

(Reporting by Toni Clarke and Tim McLaughlin; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/u-meningitis-outbreak-firm-avoided-sanctions-several-times-062256456.html

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China Mobile Q3 profit beats expectations

China Mobile's net profit grows 1.3 percent during the third quarter of 2012, but handset subsidies and its TD-SCDMA 3G network which does not support older models of Apple iPhones may further stifle its bottomline growth.

In results released Monday, the world's largest operator saw a net profit of 31.1 billion yuan (US$4.9 billion) during the quarter ending September. That compares with an average forecast of 30.5 billion yuan (US$4.87 billion) in a Reuters poll of nine analysts.

In a report Monday, Reuters noted that while the telco has built up a vast rural subscriber base, it still lacks premium customers on its 3G data network.

Although it saw average monthly net additional customers exceed 5.4 million, average revenue per user (ARPU) fell to 4.3 percent to 67 yuan (US$10.70) from a year earlier.

China Mobile's spending on handset subsidies during the first half of 2012 was 4.5 percent of its revenue, the newswire noted. However in contrast, rival operator China Telecom spent 8.3 percent of its revenue forthe same.

Citing Hong Kong-based Phillip Securities analyst Philip Mok, Reuters said China Mobile's bottomline "will still be pressured" due to the likely increase in handset subsidies. The key risk to the operator will be the slower-than-expected growth in 3G customers, Mok added.

According to the newswire, China Mobile has been lagging behind China Telecom and China Unicom in attracting 3G users due to its use of Chinese homegrown 3G standard, TD-SCDMA. Previous models of Apple iPhone do not operate on TD-SCDMA networks but the new iPhone 5 has a chip to support the standard.

China Mobile had 698.5 million subscribers at the end of September, including 75.6 million 3G users. Its?total number of mobile subscribers in August was 65 percent of the market.?Currently, more than 80 percent of China's 1 billion mobile phone users are still on 2G networks, Reuters noted.

However, its 3G users represented only 38 percent of the marketshare as China Telecom and China Unicom gained ground during the month, Bloomberg said in a report Monday.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zdnetaustralia/~3/8B37I8pQcdI/

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China's Huawei says will increase transparency

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Source: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/397513/20121024/chinas-huawei-says-will-increase-transparency.htm

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Refurbished Mophie Juice Pack Cases for iPhone: Deals from $20 + $2 s&h

All4Cellular discounts a selection of refurbished Mophie Juice Pack cases for Apple iPhone 3G/3GS, and 4/4S as listed below. With deals starting at $19.95, that's tied with our refurb mention from last week and puts each at the lowest total price we could find for a new unit by at least $3. Shipping adds $2. Deal ends October 31. The deals:

Note: A 90-day All4Cellular warranty applies.

Source: http://reviews.cnet.com/marketplace/2740-6448_7-108441.html?tag=title

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BIS cuts off loan funding to private college

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Source: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=26&storycode=421586&c=1

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'Paranormal Activity' Double Trouble: Two New Films Coming In 2013

The series' fifth film will debut in October 2013 after a Latino spin-off in the Spring.
By Kevin P. Sullivan

Kathryn Newton in "Paranormal Activity 4"
Photo: Paramount Pictures

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1695946/paranormal-activity-5-latino-spin-off.jhtml

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সোমবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Buzzy or Bust? Campaign Slogans Stump Some Voters


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James City County Parks & Rec wins gold medal ? Mr Williamsburg ...

Congratulations to our james city county parks and recreation national gold medal winner 2012James City County Parks and Recreation Department for winning the 2012 National Recreation and Park Association?s Gold Medal Award . The award recognizes the County as the best managed park & recreation system in the nation in the population category of 50,000-100,000

The Gold Medal Award honors communities throughout the United States that demonstrate excellence in? long-range planning, resource management and agency recognition. The County was judged on its ability to address the needs of those it serves through the collective energies of citizens, staff and elected officials.

The James City County Parks and Rec Department was chosen based on its ability to effectively identify and address the needs of those it serves, and then its ability to implement, enhance, and improve its parks, programs, and facilities through efficient financial and volunteer resource management including the collective energies of volunteers, staff, and elected officials. The other finalists for 2012 were

  • City of Kettering (OH) Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department
  • Roswell (GA) Recreation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs
  • Waukegan (IL) Park District

image Winners were announced live during NRPA?s Annual Congress & Exposition in Anaheim California October 18, 2012

The American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration is a non-profit organization founded to advance knowledge related to the administration of recreation and parks; to encourage scholarly efforts by both practitioners and educators that would enhance the practice of park and recreation administration; to promote broader public understanding of the importance of parks and recreation to the public good; and, to conduct research, publish scholarly papers, and sponsor seminars related to the advancement of park and recreation administration.
The National Recreation and Park Association is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing park, recreation and conservation efforts that enhance quality of life for all people. Through its? network of some 20,000 professionals and citizens, NRPA encourages the promotion of healthy lifestyles, recreation initiatives, and conservation of natural and cultural resources.?
Headquartered in Ashburn, VA, NRPA works closely with local, state, and national recreation and park agencies, citizen groups, and corporations to carry out its objectives. Priorities include advocating favorable legislation and public policy; increasing public awareness of the importance of parks and recreation; providing continuing education, professional certification and university accreditation; and conducting research and technical assistance. For more information, visit www.nrpa.org.


View the showcase video highlighting the James City County Parks And Recreation award winning facilities.

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Marijuana use may cause severe cyclic nausea, vomiting, a little-known, but costly effect

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Marijuana use -- both natural and synthetic -- may cause cannabinoid hyperemesis (CH) a little-known but costly effect that researchers suggest is a serious burden to the health care system as it often leads to expensive diagnostic tests and ineffective treatments in an effort to find the cause of a patient's symptoms and provide relief, according to two separate case reports unveiled October 22 at the American College of Gastroenterology's (ACG) 77th Annual Scientific meeting in Las Vegas. Cannabinoid hyperemesis is characterized by a history of chronic cannabis use followed by a cyclic pattern of nausea, vomiting and colicky abdominal pain. Interestingly, compulsive hot baths or showers temporarily relieve symptoms, another characteristic which aids clinicians in diagnosis.

"Most healthcare providers are unaware of the link between marijuana use and these episodes of cyclic nausea and vomiting so they are not asking about natural or synthetic cannabinoid use when a patient comes to the emergency room or their doctor's office with these symptoms," said co-investigator Ana Maria Crissien-Martinez, M.D. of Scripps Green Hospital and Clinic in San Diego. She said CH was first described in a 2004 case series of 9 patients in Australia and since then, 14 case reports and 4 case series have been published, including a prospective series of 98 patients published by Mayo Clinic in February 2012.

"Patients who use cannabis whether natural or in synthetic form called 'Spice' also don't realize their unexplained episodes of cyclic nausea and vomiting may be a result of this use, with some increasing their cannabis use because they may think it will help alleviate their symptoms -- and it actually makes them worse," said Dr. Crissien-Martinez. "The only resolution is cannabis cessation."

Dr. Crissien-Martinez co-authored the case report, "Marijuana: Anti-Emetic or Pro-Emetic" which described a series of 9 patients with cannabinoid hyperemesis at Scripps Green Hospital with average age at diagnosis 30 years-old; 88 percent male; onset of cannabis use during teen years; 88 percent used cannabis daily; 56 percent compulsive bathing behavior; and 80 percent symptom resolution with cannabis cessation.

The other case report, "Spicing Up the Differential for Cyclic Vomiting: A Case of Synthetic-Cannabinoid Induced Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)," may be the first reported case of CH attributed to synthetic cannabinoid, according to Fong-Kuei Cheng, M.D. and his research team from Walter Reed Walter Reed National Military Medical Center/Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD.

"Legal synthetic cannabinoids became available in the United States by 2009 with widespread usage among military personnel due to its ability to elude standard drug testing. It is important to recognize that routine urine drug testing does not include JWH-018 and JWH 073, which are the primary components in synthetic cannabinoids," said Dr. Cheng.

The case report described a 22-year active duty military male who was admitted with a 10-month history of progressive, intermittent abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, with episodes occurring every two months and lasting up to a week. He underwent several diagnostic tests before a urine synthetic cannabinoid test confirmed the diagnosis of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS). Since discontinuing these drugs, the patient has remained symptom-free, according to the case report.

"This case illustrates that CHS should be in the differential diagnosis of unexplained, episodic abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting, particularly if relieved with compulsive hot showers. Recognition of this syndrome is important to prevent unnecessary testing and to reduce health care expenditures," said Dr. Cheng. "We have also noted, particularly in the active duty population where drug testing for cannabis usage is done routinely, that there appears to be an increased usage instead of the synthetic cannabinoids, so we would advocate routine additional testing for them when the clinical suspicion is high."

Patients frequently have multiple hospital, clinic and emergency room visits with extensive negative work-up to include imaging studies, endoscopies, and laboratory testing before they are finally diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemesis, according to the researchers of both case reports.

"We estimate $10,000 to be the minimum cost of one admission -- but on average our patients required admission to the hospital 2.8 times, a total of almost $30,000 for workup," said Dr. Crissien-Martinez, who added that that cost does not include the added costs of primary care physician and/or gastroenterologist and emergency room visits, which averaged 2.5 and 6 times respectively.

Dr. Crissien-Martinez said that 80 percent of the Scripps Green patients who stopped cannabis experienced symptom resolution; however, only one of them remained abstinent and consequently symptom-free.

"As health care providers, we must be aware of the potential side effects of chronic cannabis use and understand that cannabinoid hyperemesis is diagnosed clinically to avoid expensive diagnostic and therapeutic modalities," said Dr. Crissien-Martinez. "Instead the focus should be shifted towards counseling and resources allocated towards marijuana cessation."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/rGOl0wCrr-0/121022081353.htm

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Lytzen Class 100 Dry Heat Sterilizer Model H1F/1450 ? Hourly Book

> Uncategorized > Lytzen Class 100 Dry Heat Sterilizer Model?H1F/1450

Lytzen Class 100 Dry Heat Sterilizer Model H1F/1450 Model: H1F/1450 Serial #: A20011001 Stainless steel construction Double door ? pass through style unit Chamber Capacity: 81.2 cuft Electrics: 460volt, 3ph, 60hz Compressed air: 40 ? 140 psi Chamber dimensions: 42.3?wx 58?dx 57?h (1075mm wide x 1450mm high x 1475mm deep) Allen Bradley SLC 5/04 PLC Allen Bradley Panelview 500 operator interface on the sterile side Allen Bradley Panel view 1000 operator interface

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Source: http://javedshaikm.wordpress.com/2012/10/20/lytzen-class-100-dry-heat-sterilizer-model-h1f1450/

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Sunnyvale CA Residential Lots and Land For Sale 10/19/2012 ...

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John is a real estate broker in the San Francisco Bay Area. He writes about regional real estate markets and the finer side of Northern California living - wine, restaurants, the outdoors, and more. He resides in Silicon Valley and in Wine Country.

Source: http://johnsouerbry.wordpress.com/2012/10/20/sunnyvale-ca-residential-lots-and-land-for-sale-10192012/

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An excited Drake: 'I got my high school diploma'

NEW YORK (AP) ? A day after earning his high school diploma, an excited Drake performed hit songs for a few hundred people at an event for Tyra Banks.

The 25-year-old told the crowd Thursday night that he took a small break from music and "spent some time going back to high school."

"I got my high school diploma," he said with excitement as the crowd roared.

Drake also posted on Twitter late Wednesday that he earned a 97 percent on his final exam and an 88 percent in his last class through work with a private tutor. The Canadian dropped out of high school, ironically, to star in the high school TV series "Degrassi: The Next Generation." He played the role of Jimmy Brooks.

The Grammy-nominated musician performed hits like "Best I Ever Had," ''Find Your Love" and "The Motto" at Banks' first annual Flawsome Ball for The Tyra Banks TZONE Foundation, her organization aimed at developing confidence in girls. He dedicated his song, "Make Me Proud," to the supermodel.

Rosario Dawson, Clay Aiken and Estelle also attended the gala event in New York at Capitale.






Follow Mesfin Fekadu on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/musicmesfin

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/excited-drake-got-high-school-diploma-053044857.html

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Will housing 'misery' swing the election? - Personal Finance Daily ...

By MarketWatch

Don?t miss these top stories:

Nevada and Florida have the highest scores on Trulia?s housing misery index, due to the decline in home prices and the rise in delinquencies and foreclosures in the states. Michigan also ranks high. These states also happen to be key battleground states in the presidential election, as Quentin Fottrell reports today.

Read that story in today?s Personal Finance Daily, plus read why more wealthy home buyers are returning to adjustable-rate mortgages and learn 10 lessons from the 1987 stock market crash, which celebrates its 25th anniversary today.

? Amy Hoak , assistant editor

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Source: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/will-housing-misery-swing-the-election-2012-10-19-13103166

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Self-Defense Story of the Day (Powerlineblog)

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What women want: Abortion, contraception, equal pay ? or jobs?

What do women want?

Aside from not being relegated to binders (just kidding!), the answer to that question, it seems, may very well determine the outcome of the presidential election. And so far, President Obama and Mitt Romney are banking on very different sets of priorities held by the women they?re hoping to win ? by which we mean primarily blue-collar, suburban so-called ?waitress moms,? who are economically strapped but also tend to be socially moderate on issues like abortion.

Mr. Romney is hoping that those women care, first and foremost, about jobs and the economy. Although he?s been trying to modulate his stance on issues like abortion, saying in a recent interview that he did not know of any anti-abortion legislation he would push for, he?s really urging women to put so-called ?women?s issues? on the back burner and vote instead for the candidate they think would do the most for the economy and job creation.

[RECOMMENDED: Obama vs. Romney 101: 5 differences on women's issues]

Tellingly, a new Romney ad features a mom talking into the camera about how Romney ?doesn?t oppose contraception at all,? and believes abortion ?should be an option in cases of rape, incest, or to save the mother?s life.? She continues, as the camera shows her kids doing their homework: ?This issue is important to me. But I?m more concerned about the debt our children will be left with. I voted for President Obama last time. But we just can?t afford four more years.?

Mr. Obama, on the other hand, is counting on those ?women?s issues? being a top priority for many female voters. And he routinely makes the point that they often are economic issues ? equal pay is clearly a pocketbook matter, and paying for your own birth control, if insurance won?t cover it, is a not-insignificant expense for many women.

As for abortion, well, the Obama campaign has a new ad out responding to the above-mentioned Romney ad by showing footage of Romney in a GOP primary debate, being asked: ?If Roe v. Wade was overturned and Congress passed a federal ban on all abortions, would you sign it?? Romney responded: ?I?d be delighted to sign that bill.? The spot concludes: ?Ban all abortions? Only if you vote for him.?

The question is, which argument is more likely to succeed?

According to a recent Gallup poll of women voters in 12 swing states, Obama may have an edge: When asked what they viewed as the ?most important issue for women in this election,? the top response by far was abortion, at 39 percent. That was followed by jobs (19 percent), health care (18 percent), the economy (13 percent), and equal pay (15 percent).

However, it?s worth noting that it's unclear which side of the abortion issue those women who chose it as "most important" fall on. And since the question specifically asked women about the most important issue ?for women,? not just the most important issue overall, it may have directed respondents to think more specifically about ?women?s issues? than they otherwise would have. A previous Gallup poll asking women which issues they viewed as most important found health care was the top response, followed by the deficit and the national debt.

All of which probably means the verdict is still out.

Obama vs. Romney 101: 5 differences on women's issues

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/women-want-abortion-contraception-equal-pay-jobs-190159393.html

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Soulmate Results [May Change]

Such a Curious Academy

Curious Academy. A loveless man`s academy for none other than love... Nothing could go wrong, right?


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Anyways, now that most of us have sent in the soulmate quiz, I will be announcing the soulmates. To people who never sent in their soulmate quiz, their character will still get a soulmate, but the pairing might not be all that great because I wasn`t able to further get to know what the character is like.
Besides that, all other information regarding Soulmates and in character roleplaying will be announced in the roleplay.

As of now, here are the soulmate pairings;

Michael Evans ? Briar Rose Blaire Sommers
Dyer Breth ? Sora Lehsade
Archer Jensen ? Ritsu Nanamine
Heebum Lee ? Heather Breth
Connor Hughes ? Aisling Kadance Delphine
Axel Brooks ? Sheila Kurimu

Practically all of them were made out of the random.

And also, there can be affairs, and outside couples. It just makes the roleplay more interesting.

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