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Why every scientist needs an online profile ? ConservationBytes.com

hideIt astounds me every time I hear about a scientist who is reluctant to place her or his track record on the internet. Now, I may be a little over-the-top when it comes to my own web-presence (some have labelled me a ?media tart?, but I don?t mind), but I am convinced that without a strong, regularly updated web presence, you?re doing yourself a horrible disservice.

Let?s go through the regularly raised objections that some academics make for avoiding the investment in a strong web presence:

  1. My employer will get angry
  2. My track record isn?t good enough (i.e., I?m embarrassed)
  3. What I do is no one else?s business
  4. I couldn?t be bothered; it?s too much work
  5. No one reads it anyway

While there might be some truth to items 1 & 2 (although the justification is weak or often plainly untrue), the last three are pure bullshit.

Let?s start by analysing the bullshit (rolls up sleeves, starts digging?).

It?s no one else?s business

How wrong can this perspective be? First, almost all science (especially in Australia) is publicly funded. Forget the modest contribution of real scientific advances made by industry (I?m focussing on published, peer-reviewed outputs here) ? most research is funded by the taxpayer. So you not only have a responsibility to let people know what you do, you have a duty to do so. Second, if you?re that arrogant to think that sciences is only a personal endeavour, you are possibly contributing to the increase in science illiteracy and denial among the general public ? shame on you.

Too much work

Again, I beg to differ. Most people at least have some semblance of a list of their publication record tucked away somewhere on their personal computer. If you?re an academic, you are in fact obliged these days to report your scientific output to your university, to your funding agencies and to your research partners. It?s really little effort to update a webpage with this basic information. I?m not saying that blogging or tweeting is everyone?s cup of tea (nor is it strictly necessary), but at the very least, a quick overview of your projects and publications (with linking URLs) is a bare minimum.

No one reads it

Unless you are a scientist who (a) never publishes, (b) never gets grants, (c) isn?t looking for work and/or (d) doesn?t do much at all, then this contention is utterly false. Pretty much every time I review a manuscript or a grant application, I google the researchers involved (at least the lead investigators). When I can?t find their history, I get frustrated, generally become grumpy, and am probably less likely to give a positive review. And let?s not even go there if you?re looking for a job. Even with your CV and publications list in-hand, as a selection committee member, I will ALWAYS google you. When I find that you haven?t even bothered to put yourself on the web, chances are you won?t even make the interview list.

Of course, there are also the other obvious advantages of having an online profile. When a journalist requires some expert opinion, she generally searches online (just like everyone else these days). When a policy wonk needs some advice, he does the same thing. In fact, your web presence is THE PRINCIPAL means by which people get to ?know? you ? the internet has replaced all other search methods in this regard.

Now some comments on the first two points:

My employer will get angry

Yes, some employers (e.g., CSIRO, almost all government departments) are particularly nervous about their employees talking about what they?re paid to do (go figure), but none that I am aware of prevent their employees from bigging themselves online. After all, it?s the reputation of the institution that?s at stake, so it should welcome positive stories. At least a statement of what you do and a list of your achievements should not piss off even the most paranoid employer.

My track record isn?t good enough

This might be true, but it should never, ever stop you. In fact, your track record and your internet presence are intimately tied together (e.g., in the ways described above about manuscript and grant reviewing), so a downward spiral develops if you hide yourself away; in other words, your track record isn?t likely to improve if you?re internet-shy. If you?re an early-career researcher, then this perspective is ridiculous. Of course you probably don?t have a stellar track record yet - it takes time to develop. When I google an ECR online I will always take age and experience into account, so don?t worry about it.

A few other pointers on building your web presence:

  • While your institution?s web pages might be cumbersome, out-of-date, and nearly impossible to update, there are many alternatives. I am flabbergasted that so many scientists haven?t yet discovered Google Scholar; for the sake of your career, spend 10 minutes and get yourself a Google Scholar profile! There are other web services for this sort of thing, like Researcher ID (a bit cumbersome and incomplete), ORCID, Research Gate, Academia.edu, Linkedin, etc., so you have plenty of free services from which to choose.
  • Free blog sites (e.g., WordPress, Blogger) are common and can easily be used as personal or professional websites. You don?t necessarily have to blog with them.
  • Facebook can act as a professional website.
  • I?m also of the opinion that a strong media presence is a necessary component of a successful academic career. I won?t blather to much about that here, but see this previous post about expanding your media profile.
  • Finally, avoid putting up semi-naked photos of yourself on Facebook, or going on some ill-advised rant on someone else?s blog or news site. If most people knew just how easy it was for others to cyber-stalk them, they wouldn?t document all their foolishness online. Remember, we?re watching you.

CJA Bradshaw

-34.917731 138.603034

Source: http://conservationbytes.com/2013/01/31/why-every-scientist-needs-an-online-profile/

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সোমবার, ২৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

The Enterprise Cool Kids

The Enterprise Cool KidsNo, this isn’t a guest column by Aaron Levie. Though he and his startup Box, the poster child of the “sexy enterprise,” are definitely included in the bunch. “You should definitely kick Aaron off the list. Just to mess with him,” Zendesk founder Mikkel Svane commented when he heard what we were writing. With VCs voting with their feet and eschewing consumer startups this play period, we’re seeing a major shift of sentiment and momentum to enterprise startups. Perhaps the most major in a while, definitely as far as we can remember. Venture money that a year ago was going into consumer deals is now flowing into enterprise, as the Series A crunch and reticence about Facebook’s lackluster IPO has dampened investor enthusiasm?for photosharing apps and their ilk. In contrast to Facebook, a series of stellar enterprise IPOs like?Palo Alto Networks, Splunk and (perhaps the original enterprise cool kid) Workday have fired the collective entrepreneurial?imagination. “We see entrepreneurs come in every other day telling us how they’re going to reinvent Splunk,” Sequoia’s Aaref Hilaly tells me. “The successful enterprise IPOs serve as beacons for the companies that come after them.” Although the VC profits baseline has traditionally come from enterprise deals, they certainly weren’t media darlings. Consumer startups, despite their high beta and tendency to be outliers, were the bell of the mainstream tech blog ball. “Consumer technology tends to create fewer winners. Its easier to keep track of what a Facebook or a Twitter may be doing than myriad enterprise software vendors,” NetSuite CEO Zach Nelson notes. “[There it] may take decades to decide the actual winners.” But the hype is changing. Conversations about “the next Instagram” at Coupa, The Creamery or on Caltrain have been replaced with staid assessments about the future of Big Data, storage and the cloud. The mobile, social, local gold rush of 2011 has been put on pause, at least as far as consumer Internet is concerned. VCs are?staffing up with enterprise experts to handle the sharp shift in focus. We’ve even heard someone was working on something described only as, “a Path for enterprise.” While the phenomenon is recent enough that the exact flow of investment dollars from consumer to enterprise has yet to be captured in a study, the data points are beginning to pop up. For example 2012 was the?first year in First Round Capital’s history in which consumer companies were

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/cKwHfHFw1yc/

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রবিবার, ২৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Small business uneasy about tax collection - Salt Lake Tribune

In this Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013, photo, CEO and President Mike Faith of Headsets.com checks his inventory in his offices in San Francisco. Headsets.com, might have to hire two staffers to handle the administrative work if what's called remote tax collection becomes law, says Faith. The company has operations in California and Tennessee, but sells to all 50 states. Currently, federal law only requires the company to collect tax in those two states. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

Small-business owners may be closer to losing an advantage they?ve enjoyed during the e-commerce boom ? being exempt from collecting sales tax in states where they?re not located. And they?re worried they will have to spend more money in the process.

Under federal law, a state or local government cannot force a company to collect sales tax on a purchase unless the business has a physical presence in that state. The physical presence could range from an actual store to an office, warehouse or distribution center. The sale could be conducted online, over the phone or through mail-order.

The arrangement saves money for shoppers who use price comparison websites or mobile apps, and those who spend time surfing for the best overall deal.

But Washington lawmakers currently have several bills in the works that would end all that by forcing companies to collect the tax. Businesses are split over the issue.

On one side are small retailers who say they wouldn?t be able to bear the costs of collecting the tax and filing reports states and local governments require. They?re worried they?ll have to buy software, hire staffers and deal with the hassle of keeping up with collecting tax from states and thousands of municipalities.

Headsets.com, for instance, might have to hire two staffers to handle the administrative work if what?s called remote tax collection becomes law, says CEO Mike Faith. The company has operations in California and Tennessee, but sells to all 50 states. Currently, federal law only requires the company to collect tax in those two states.

Faith expects the law would force him to hire workers to help his San Francisco-based company comply with it. "It?s useless employment. It doesn?t add value to the company It?s just another cost burden."

On the other side are in-state sellers and larger retailers with physical locations dotted across the country who sometimes lose business to competitors who don?t have to collect the tax. Even if two retailers charge the same amount for an item, many shoppers choose the seller that doesn?t collect taxes.

"It?s a problem that needs to be addressed. It?s an un-level playing field," says David French, a National Retail Federation lobbyist.

And on yet another side, are state and local governments that stand to collect billions in uncollected revenue if a bill makes it through Congress. States have wanted the tax money for decades and are particularly anxious for it now because tax revenue is down following the recession. The payoff could be substantial. In 2012, there was as much as $11.4 billion in uncollected taxes on Internet sales alone, according to University of Tennessee researchers.

story continues below

State and local government officials have wanted to change the law for years, even before the catalog boom of the 1980s and the Internet boom of the ?90s.

Small-business owners have resisted along the way. They argue that the burden of keeping up with the estimated 15,000 different sales tax rates charged by the 7,500 to 9,600 jurisdictions made up of states, counties, cities and towns, is just too much.

They have a point. Knowing how much to tax, and where, can be complicated. For example, Elgin, Ill., a suburb of Chicago, is located in two counties, Cook and Kane. In Cook County, Elgin?s sales tax on general merchandise is 9.25 percent. In Kane, it?s 8.25 percent. The state?s base sales tax is 6.25 percent.

What is taxed also varies widely. In Massachusetts, baby oil is tax-free, but baby lotion and powder aren?t. In states including New York, there?s a tax on shipping charges on items. Others, including California, don?t charge if you get merchandise delivered by the U.S. Postal Service or delivery services like UPS and FedEx.

The effort to change the law intensified as the growth of the Internet increased and companies? out-of-state sales volume swelled. Many sellers felt protected by a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that states could not force out-of-state sellers to collect sales tax. But the court, in effect, invited Congress to create a law that would give the states the authority to require that taxes be collected.

States have a lot of incentive to go after the revenue. The combined budgets of all the states had deficits of more than $100 billion a year from 2009 through 2012, primarily because of the drop in tax receipts during and after the recession, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, an organization that studies tax issues.

Three separate bills were introduced in the last Congress that would authorize the states to require remote sellers to collect taxes. In the Senate, the Marketplace Fairness Act had bipartisan support but did not come to a vote. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., one of the bill?s sponsors, has told The Associated Press the bill was tabled because of concerns by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., about the burdens tax collection would place on companies in his state, where there is no sales tax.

Joyce Rosenberg covers small business for The Associated Press.

Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/55692690-79/tax-states-sales-state.html.csp

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Allen ready for his return to Boston _ with Heat

Detroit Pistons guard Kim English, right, and Miami Heat guard Ray Allen dive for a loose ball during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Friday, Jan. 25, 2013, in Miami. The Heat defeated the Pistons 110-88. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

Detroit Pistons guard Kim English, right, and Miami Heat guard Ray Allen dive for a loose ball during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Friday, Jan. 25, 2013, in Miami. The Heat defeated the Pistons 110-88. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

(AP) ? Ray Allen has played in Boston as an opponent 15 times before. He knows what it's like to play under the fabled Celtics banners, knows exactly how the crowd treats visiting players.

His 16th appearance there as a visitor will be substantially different.

Not only will his trip there Sunday be his first as a former Celtic, but it will come with him donning the colors of perhaps the team's biggest rival these days, the reigning NBA champion Miami Heat, the club that has ousted Boston from the playoffs in each of the last two seasons.

And make no mistake, Allen has been getting ready for everything that will accompany this trip for quite a while.

"I've thought about it," Allen said. "I think more about who, family-wise, is going, who can go and sorting the whole protocol out. I don't know what to expect from their side. But it's an interesting concept because I've always gotten a warm welcome, even before I started playing there. I just want to win. Everything else will take care of itself."

When he played there as an opponent in the past, Allen typically got warm receptions. He starred at Connecticut and has deep roots in New England, and those two things go a long way in generating respect from the Boston fan base.

Then he joined the Celtics in the summer of 2007. A year later, he helped them win a championship. He bled green.

Now, not so much.

So on a Sunday afternoon before a national television audience, the big story won't be the return of the Heat to the site of their season-saving Game 6 win in the Eastern Conference finals last year, or the first trip back to Boston for LeBron James since his epic 45-point virtuoso performance in that game, or even the memory of how Celtics fans cheered wildly for the last few minutes of that blowout loss as a "thank you" to their team.

"It's going to be all about Ray," Heat forward Chris Bosh said. "Celtic fans, they're very fixated on the rivalry and 'How could you do that?' They're very passionate."

Allen's relationship with the Celtics broke down in some respects last season, and when the Heat made him an offer last summer, he eventually accepted ? knowing it would raise the ire of those back in Boston.

When the Celtics visited the Heat on opening night this season, the proof of the frosty relationships was there. Former teammates, Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce especially, seemed to want nothing to do with Allen. As Allen checked into the game, his first official appearance as a Miami player, he approached Celtics coach Doc Rivers and got a warm embrace.

It's anyone's guess what the scene will be when he checks in Sunday.

"I'll savor it, going back and seeing the people you spent so much time with," Allen said. "But if you're going into a situation thinking about negative perceptions or behavior that's unbecoming of good sportsmanship, then you just want to get it over with, win the game and get out of there. I don't want it to distract these guys from everybody doing their job and being ready to play."

The bigger concern for both sides will likely be the way each club is playing of late.

Miami has won four straight games, hanging on to the top spot in the Eastern Conference. Boston has dropped six straight, and its hold on the No. 8 ? and final ? playoff spot in the East race is weakening.

Dwyane Wade doesn't think the teams' opposite trajectories will matter much. The way he sees it, when Boston plays Miami, everything gets amped up several notches.

"There's a lot of stories, but you can throw records out the window when we play Boston," Wade said. "It's significant because we have Ray Allen and it's his first time back, but we're going on the road and we want to play well and it's a tough place to play."

The Heat have been through these former-star-returns-to-old-home games before ? most notably when James went back to Cleveland for the first time after he decided to sign with Miami.

After that scene, the Heat say they're prepared for anything Boston can offer.

"They're not going to cheer him, but it's not going to be like that," Wade said. "Not even close."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2013-01-26-BKN-Heat-Allen's-Return/id-4ac7f6baa320456d8c23491d870ef814

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বুধবার, ২৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Torrey Pines a good gauge for Tiger

FILE - In this June 15, 2008, file photo, Tiger Woods reacts after sinking a birdie putt on the 18th green forcing a playoff against Rocco Mediate during the fourth round of the US Open championship at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego. To try to gauge what kind of year Woods can expect, pay no attention to a missed cut in the Middle East. The better measure is Torrey Pines. It's one of five golf courses that account for more than 40 percent of his PGA Tour wins. (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi, File)

FILE - In this June 15, 2008, file photo, Tiger Woods reacts after sinking a birdie putt on the 18th green forcing a playoff against Rocco Mediate during the fourth round of the US Open championship at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego. To try to gauge what kind of year Woods can expect, pay no attention to a missed cut in the Middle East. The better measure is Torrey Pines. It's one of five golf courses that account for more than 40 percent of his PGA Tour wins. (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi, File)

FILE - In this June 14, 2008, file photo, Tiger Woods lines up his shot during the third round of the US Open championship at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego. To try to gauge what kind of year Woods can expect, pay no attention to a missed cut in the Middle East. The better measure is Torrey Pines. It's one of five golf courses that account for more than 40 percent of his PGA Tour wins. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File)

(AP) ? Based on his record alone, there could be cause for alarm the way Tiger Woods started his season.

Woods never finished out of the top 10 in his season opener until his 13th season, when he was coming off reconstructive surgery on his left knee and was eliminated in the second round of the Match Play Championship.

He was eliminated on the second day of the Abu Dhabi Championship in memorable fashion ? a late rally to seemingly make the cut with one shot to spare, only to be informed that he was not supposed to get relief from an imbedded lie in sandy soil on the fifth hole. Two shots were added to his score, and Woods was on his way back with only the 10th missed cut of his career, his first outside the PGA Tour and a bad start to the year.

The more important measure, however, is this week at Torrey Pines.

Woods has won seven times as a pro on this track along the Pacific bluffs. It's a public course, but it feels as if he owns it. Such is his dominance at Torrey Pines that after the first round of the 2008 Buick Invitational, when Woods opened with a 67 on the South Course, a caddie standing behind the 18th green said, "He just won two tournaments with one round." Sure enough, Woods won that week by eight shots, and then won the U.S. Open that summer on a mangled knee in a playoff.

That was his 14th ? and at the moment, his last ? major championship.

That also was his last win at Torrey Pines.

He didn't play in 2009 because he was still recovering from knee surgery. He didn't play in 2010 because he was recovering from the humiliating collapse in his personal life. The last time he played Torrey Pines was in 2011, which turned out to be the worst season of his career. He was embarking on a brand new swing, his game was a wreck and it showed. Woods went 74-75 on the weekend and tied for 44th.

Where is he now?

"It's nice to be healthy, to be able to train and practice and do all of the things that I know I can do," Woods said Tuesday after playing the back nine on the South Course. "It's definitely a very different feeling, so it's nice to be back. It's nice to get out there and play a course that I know."

When it comes to horses for courses, Woods is a thoroughbred at Torrey Pines. The only course comparable to his success level at Torrey would be Firestone, where he also has won seven times and never finished out of the top 10 until 2010 and 2011, both times when his game was a mess. He has won seven times at Bay Hill, but that's different from the other two because Woods has seven finishes out of the top 10. Bay Hill always has been feast or famine.

"This has always been a pretty good benchmark, hasn't it?" Geoff Ogilvy said.

If he doesn't win this week, it certainly wouldn't be a disaster. Woods is getting older, and the competition is getting deeper every year. Winning is not as easy as it was.

But how he plays this week could be a fair measure of his game going into a pivotal year when the balance of power has shifted to 23-year-old Rory McIlroy. Woods talks a lot about the courses where he feels most comfortable, with Torrey Pines and Firestone at the top of his list. He also includes Augusta National and St. Andrews.

Most telling was his last win at Torrey Pines.

He was runner-up at the Masters that year, and then had arthroscopic surgery to repair some cartilage damage in his left knee that caused him to miss Quail Hollow and The Players Championship. He was getting ready for the U.S. Open when doctors found two stress fractures of the left tibia and recommended six weeks off, which he ignored.

So when he showed up at Torrey Pines, the opening round was the first time he had walked 18 holes since the final at the Masters.

Of his 14 majors, this was among the most remarkable, foremost because of the injury.

"Here I am just talking about it and my hands are sweating just thinking about the feeling I had to get through each and every day," Woods said Tuesday. "Just trying to get up and having to warm up again and go to the gym. I just don't want to move. Then having to get out here and warm up and trying not to show you guys and any of my competitors what I was feeling. It was a very difficult week."

But it was at Torrey Pines.

Could he have won the U.S. Open in that kind of physical shape had it been played anywhere else?

"Yeah," he said.

But did it help that it was Torrey Pines?

"Yeah, definitely. Probably those three courses I just mentioned," he said, referring to Torrey, Firestone and Augusta.

Woods won a Junior World Championship at Torrey Pines as a teenager. He first came to the course with his father for the Andy Williams Invitational, spending most of his time watching the California players ? Mark O'Meara, John Cook, Corey Pavin. He recalled seeing Andy Bean reach the par-5 18th in two shots.

It's different now. The world watches him. That much was evident when he finished the 18th hole of a practice round on a cool, quiet morning. The golf course, which had been so quiet, came to life with a few hundred rushing over to a walkway with hopes of an autograph, and the pounding of steps heard on a bridge as two dozen photographers trampled behind him.

McIlroy is taking the next month off. The field at Torrey Pines includes Dustin Johnson, Masters champion Bubba Watson, defending champion Brandt Snedeker, Keegan Bradley and Phil Mickelson. But it's still Torrey Pines. This is where a healthy and happy Woods is usually at his best.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2013-01-22-GLF-On-The-Fringe-012213/id-674b7039a1e94fabbf413c6936f7f3ad

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Travel Tips For Online Marketers - Fast Web Formula Internet ...


In this video: 00:20 - Your must-have travel kit 01:24 - Remember to bring these accessories 03:15 - Wi-Fi is much cheaper than data roaming 03:42 - Keep slides in a USB stick for event ? [Read More...]

In this news video: 00:23 - Keep the blood flowing. Exercise. 00:50 - Get your highest converting pages on social media 01:38 - Improve the least popular posts by changing the titles 01:51 - ? [Read More...]

In this episode: 00:06 - Ensure your subscribers are on more than one subscription 00:48 - In your content, encourage people to subscribe using other mediums 00:55 - Subscribe at ? [Read More...]

In the Podcast: - The process in setting up an AdSense property - Generating more revenue despite having lesser sites -?How can outsourced content production services impact your ? [Read More...]

In this episode: 00:05 - One huge problem that many people have 00:26 - Create a list of all the things that are bothering you right now 00:35 - Pick the 'One Thing' that takes more priority and ? [Read More...]

Source: http://www.fastwebformula.com/newsletter/travel-tips-for-online-marketers/

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সোমবার, ২১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

South Africa finds Nigerian oil delta militant guilty of terrorism

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A South African court found suspected Niger Delta militant leader Henry Okah guilty of terrorism on Monday for masterminding two car bombs that killed at least 10 people in the Nigerian capital at an independence day ceremony in 2010.

Judge Neels Claassen said Okah, who was accused of leading the militant MEND group in Nigeria's oil-producing Niger Delta, was found guilty on 13 counts ranging from conspiracy to commit terrorism to detonating explosives.

"The evidence that was given by his accomplices was not contradicted," Claassen told the court in Johannesburg.

MEND, or the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, carried out numerous attacks on oilfields and pipelines across the swampy region, which is home to Africa's biggest oil and gas industry, until a government amnesty in 2009.

At its peak, the insecurity was costing the OPEC member nation and Africa's biggest oil producer $1 billion a month in lost revenues, according to the central bank.

Security experts believe Okah - who accepted the 2009 amnesty after gun-running and treason charges against him were dropped - was at one time the brains behind MEND although he has denied ever being its leader.

Claassen said Okah, who moved to South Africa after the amnesty and was arrested there, would be sentenced on Jan 30.

The 2010 blasts hit the official celebrations laid on in Abuja for Nigeria's 50th anniversary of independence.

A MEND statement signed Jomo Gbomo, the pseudonym used by the group to claim previous attacks, was sent to news agencies shortly before the explosions, telling people to evacuate the area.

(Reporting by Peroshni Govender; Writing by Ed Cropley; Editing by Pascal Fletcher)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/south-africa-finds-nigerian-militant-guilty-terrorism-083845212.html

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Albion?s freed (Unqualified Offerings)

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London Heathrow cancels more flights as snow continues

LONDON (Reuters) - London's Heathrow airport cancelled 10 percent of flights on Monday, a day after it cut its capacity by a fifth, and said services could face further delays with more snowfall expected.

Heathrow, Europe's busiest airport, said it had cut around 130 flights - most operated by IAG'S British Airways - from its schedule on Monday to allow more space between aircraft because of low visibility.

"Many airports have plenty of spare runway capacity so aircraft can be spaced out more during low visibility without causing delays and cancellations. Because Heathrow operates at almost full capacity, there is simply no room to reschedule the delayed flights," a Heathrow spokesman said.

The airport scrapped some 250 flights on Sunday and said the decision had helped it operate smoothly.

Further light snowfalls are forecast through Monday and Tuesday, national weather service the Met Office said.

Ferrovial's Heathrow has spent 36 million pounds on upgrading its winter weather equipment since 2010 - a year that saw it face heavy criticism after it almost shut down when snow hit just before Christmas. It now has 130 snow-clearing vehicles.

London's second airport, Gatwick, said it was operating as normal on Monday morning but that delays and some flight cancellations were likely because of adverse weather across Europe.

Smaller Stansted airport said that it was open and operational but that it expected to see some Ryanair flights cancelled during the day.

East Midlands Airport, in central England, said its single runway would remain closed until later on Monday, while City Airport - close to London's financial district - re-opened its one runway after closing it earlier in the morning.

(Reporting by Rhys Jones, Editing by Rosalba O'Brien)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/london-heathrow-cancels-more-flights-snow-continues-093141080--finance.html

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Merkel coalition struggles to keep power in state vote: exit poll

HANOVER (Reuters) - Angela Merkel's conservatives appeared to be struggling to hold onto power in a German state election on Sunday against a center-left opposition showing it could yet mount a strong challenge to her chancellorship in September national polls.

In exit polls released after voting ended, Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) remained the biggest party in the swing state of Lower Saxony with 36 percent. The chief victors of the evening, however, appeared to be their Free Democrat (FDP) allies who defied doomsayers to win 10 percent.

But the Social Democrats (SPD) and Greens were also at 46 percent in the exit polls. Victory in Lower Saxony would boost their chances of depriving Merkel of a third term in the autumn despite a poor start by the SPD challenger Peer Steinbrueck.

"It's a neck-and-neck race and no one knows yet who will be the victor at the end of the night," said SPD candidate Stephan Weil, the mayor of state capital Hanover.

Neither of the two main parties needed success in Lower Saxony as much as the liberal FDP, whose survival in the local and national parliaments has been in doubt. They have polled under the 5 percent threshold for seats in either assembly.

Their projected result was twice that, and the song "Walking on Sunshine" blared from speakers at their election HQ in Hanover. As well as giving hapless FDP leader Philipp Roesler a reprieve, it may give Merkel a chance of repeating the center-right alliance for a third term rather than resorting to a "grand coalition" with the SPD, as she did from 2005-2009.

But that FDP success may have been at the cost of a decisive CDU result. Merkel's loyal Lower Saxony state premier, the half-Scottish David McAllister, was believed to have tacitly encouraged supporters to split their ballot to save the CDU's junior coalition ally from electoral oblivion.

"What is astonishing is that it looks like the CDU had a hidden campaign to get voters to use their second vote for the FDP so they could hold on to power," said politics professor Gero Neugebauer at Berlin's Free University."Yet the FDP didn't pick up all the votes lost to the CDU. As a whole the center-right bloc lost support in Lower Saxony."

The 42-year-old McAllister, son of soldier from Scotland who came to Germany with the British army, had been talked about as a potential successor to Merkel on the strength of his feisty campaign in a state with 6.2 million eligible voters.

Wolfgang Rausch, 56, a master craftsman, split his ballot between the CDU and FDP - the first for his CDU constituency candidate, the second for the liberal party.

"The CDU and FDP are better for Lower Saxony," he said.


The Lower Saxony vote could also decide the fate of Merkel challenger Steinbrueck, whose unpopularity has been blamed for the SPD losing a once-commanding 13-point lead in the state.

The SPD was relieved at the result, with party chairman Sigmar Gabriel - a former state premier of Lower Saxony himself - saying with a smile as he clapped Steinbrueck on the back: "If we get a result like this when we mess up, we can do anything."

Steinbrueck said at party headquarters in Berlin he bore "shared responsibility" for a hit-and-miss campaign but that the SPD was clearly still in the race for September.

"This means a change of government and of power are possible this year," said the 66-year-old former finance minister.

The cliffhanger contest turned Germany's fourth most populous state, which is the size of the Netherlands and stretches from the Dutch border to the former East Germany, into an election battleground watched by the whole country.

Merkel made seven appearances in the campaign, aware that her party could not afford a defeat after suffering setbacks in the last 12 state elections and losing four states to the SPD.

The party's plight has stood in stark contrast to her own high approval ratings, boosted by her leadership role in the euro crisis where she defended Germany's economic interests.

The euro crisis did not play much of a role in the vote, with local issues like education, infrastructure and state spending dominating Germany's industrial and farming heartland.

"The CDU is doing a good job," said Peter Pietschmann, 68, a retired lathe operator, outside a polling station in the snow-covered state capital, Hanover. "Merkel's leading the country well, better than the SPD could."

(Reporting by Erik Kirschbaum; Additional reporting by Alexandra Hudson; Writing by Stephen Brown; editing by Ralph Boulton)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/merkels-cdu-hoping-comeback-win-key-state-vote-074112859.html

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শুক্রবার, ১৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Oil falls despite positive economic data from China

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Source: http://www.nationalpost.com/business/falls+despite+positive+economic+data+from+China/7838210/story.html

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Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/01/michelle-obama-bangs-fan-not-a-fan/

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Irishman among oil-workers kidnapped in Algeria: govt

DUBLIN (Reuters) - An Irishman was among a group of gas workers kidnapped in Algeria on Wednesday, Ireland's Foreign Minister Eamon Gilmore said, demanding his immediate release.

Gilmore's department said the man was an Irish national from Northern Ireland and that the government was in close contact with its international partners to establish what had happened.

"The government stands ready to use all the resources available to us to ensure that our citizen is released as soon as possible," Gilmore, who is also deputy prime minister, said in a statement. (Reporting by Padraic Halpin; Editing by Jon Boyle)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/irishman-among-oil-workers-kidnapped-algeria-govt-122546677.html

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Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Personal-Unsecured-Loans-Regarding-Higher-Education/4380630

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China: Our Anti-satellite Weaponry Is a 'Trump Card' Against the U.S.

Amid reports on January 7 that Beijing is preparing to carry out another anti-satellite weapons test, state media said China has the right to conduct the test because the technology represents a ?trump card? against American power.

In both 2007 and 2010, Beijing carried out anti-satellite weapons tests, and some U.S. analysts suspect that the next test will see China aiming for higher altitudes than in the previous ones?targeting an object around 12,000 miles above Earth?s surface. A report on Space.com said a test at such a level would place the constellation of America?s Global Positioning System (gps) at risk.

China?s state-run Global Times said Washington?s worries that the test could damage the U.S.?s gps are ?over blown,? but fell short of any real reassurances, saying only that the test would ?not strike down satellites, but invalidate them.?

Why does China need to develop the anti-satellite weaponry that it is testing? The state-run Times explained:

The U.S. advantage is overwhelming. Before strategic uncertainties between China and the U.S. can disappear, China urgently needs to have an outer space trump card. China and Russia jointly initiated a program to avoid an arms race in outer space in 2008, but this proposal was refused by the U.S. Against this background, it is necessary for China to have the ability to strike U.S. satellites. This deterrent can provide strategic protection to Chinese satellites and the whole country?s national security.

China?s planned test comes as Beijing is rapidly assembling its own ?gps,? called the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. China?s military and many official bodies are already using this system. In the years ahead, Beijing plans to launch 20 more satellites to improve its functionality.

America?s space power gives it great advantages, but also creates dependence. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has pointed to America?s reliance on technology as the country?s Achilles? heel. The U.S. is vulnerable not only to cyberattacks, but also to electronic attacks on its satellite or related systems. A successful attack on these systems could take out Washington?s smart bombs, guided missiles, satellite maps and photos or navigation.

For half a century, America reigned as the world?s dominant superpower. But evidence abounds in the U.S.?s foreign policy, economy, military and elsewhere that this era of supremacy is rapidly coming to a close. Space technology is another arena where America?s decline has set in as nations such as China speedily close the gap.

This shift brings the world into a perilous new age?but it is all in perfect alignment with trends the Trumpet has forecast for decades. For more information on the source of our forecasting, request our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. ?

Source: http://www.thetrumpet.com/article/10272.21883.0.0/world/military/china-our-anti-satellite-weaponry-is-a-trump-card-against-the-us

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Sweeping new gun laws proposed by influential liberal think tank (Washington Post)

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Alabama's Lacy, Milliner, Fluker enter NFL draft

Associated Press

Posted on January 11, 2013 at 3:13 PM

Updated today at 6:05 AM

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) ? Alabama tailback Eddie Lacy, cornerback Dee Milliner and right tackle D.J. Fluker are entering the NFL draft after helping lead the Crimson Tide to a second straight national title.

Lacy and Milliner announced their plans to skip their senior seasons Friday at a news conference. Fluker couldn't be there for the announcement because he was traveling.

It's another exodus of talented underclassmen for a team that has won three of the past four national championships. Most of the four first-round picks in each of the past two drafts that left Alabama were underclassmen.

"I appreciate what they've done for the University of Alabama but we also acknowledge the fact that from a business standpoint, these guys are making good decisions about their future and what they can do," coach Nick Saban said.

Unlike recent groups of departing juniors from Alabama, only Milliner is pegged as a sure first-round pick.

He was a Jim Thorpe Award finalist and unanimous All-American after recording two interceptions and 22 pass deflections. He and guard Chance Warmack, who was a senior, are projected as the Tide's top current prospects.

"I think while I was here, I met all the goals and team affirmations that I set for myself as a freshman by winning a championship, becoming an All-American, just being part of a team that always loved to win," Milliner said. "I think I fulfilled all my goals and am ready and prepared to go to the next level."

Lacy was MVP of the national championship game against Notre Dame after rushing for 140 yards and scoring two touchdowns. He said he wasn't 100 percent healthy all season until the title game Monday night, but Lacy still ran for 1,322 yards and 17 touchdowns while averaging 6.5 yards per carry.

"We don't have a lot of years to play this position, so you have to go while you can," Lacy said. "I would love to come back. This is a great place. We have the best fans, but I really didn't want to risk coming back and not having such a good year or maybe even risking injury. I've had my share of injuries this year. I feel like you've got to get out while you can."

Lacy thinks he "made a pretty solid statement" in the title game, when he made a spin move into the end zone on a TD catch and on another run pushed 248-pound linebacker Danny Spond away with one hand.

Lacy was recruited in the same class as Trent Richardson, last year's No. 3 pick by Cleveland, but redshirted and then spent two seasons as a backup. He's not widely projected to follow Richardson and 2009 Heisman Trophy winner Mark Ingram into the first round. Lacy said he was projected as a second- or third-round pick in feedback from the NFL, but was impressive in the finale. Ordinarily, Saban only recommends projected first-round picks leave early.

"I'm fully supportive of what Eddie's doing," Saban said. "It's a little bit of a different situation than we've had in the past, but it's a little bit unique as well. Every one of these situations is unique to that particular individual and what his situation is. "

The 6-foot-6, 335-pound Fluker started 35 games for the Tide and was a second-team Associated Press All-American.

He was one of the Tide's top-rated signees in 2009 but came in overweight at about 395 pounds and was redshirted.

"I certainly feel like this year has been his best year as a player, and I feel that he's made a good decision about what he wants to do," said Saban, adding that Fluker has improved as much as any player on the team.

The mammoth Fluker, who wears a size-22 shoe, said in a statement that leaving early "is never an easy decision when you are playing at a place like Alabama."

"''These four years in Tuscaloosa have been the best four years of my life and I appreciate everyone who helped me along the way," he said.

Quarterback AJ McCarron, All-America linebacker C.J. Moseley and guard Anthony Steen have already said they're returning for their senior seasons. Saban didn't rule out other juniors possibly declaring for the draft before Tuesday's deadline.

The Tide does have promising players who have logged plenty of playing time behind Lacy and Milliner, especially. Two freshmen ? tailback T.J. Yeldon (1,108 yards, 12 touchdowns) ? and cornerback Geno Smith saw significant action.

"You've got people that are going to go to the NFL each year and you've got people behind them that are going to do the same things when their time comes," Milliner said.

Source: http://www.wwltv.com/sports/186515821.html

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Character Sheet [Read if you want to join]

New Horizons: Up or Down

Jump into a roleplay set in the future, where the individual must decide what is right in this society, and take arms to defend or advance their ideals.


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Here's some things you can include in your character set-up. For more ideas, you should read the first post I made on this roleplay, as well as my submitted character to this, Locke Payson. You may find that as long as you keep to the overlying ideas and set up, it's rather easy to join. If you have any questions, reply to this thread and I'll do my best to help you create a character. I'm always looking to add some diversity to the roleplay.

Gender: [Can be either]

Age: [Should be at least 16, can vary based on occupation. Ex: A soldier is not going to be 16 years old. However, a surviving civilian who has not been evacuated from the warzone may be younger]

Race: [Should be human, as this is a civil war going on between humans]

Equipment: [Varies based on how you make your character. A civilian is not going to have random body armor just laying around, or have a rocket launcher or even the know-how to use one. Your character's equipment can simply be a list, perhaps with some filler detail on each object so there's an idea of what he has]

Occupation: [This is also quite flexible. You shouldn't really have an occupation that would more or less be illegal in modern-day America. If you are a civilian, I'd suggest being something where you were in the Raem Spaceport city and got trapped in the firefight, never evacuated. If you want to be a soldier, I'd suggest being one of the 500 Wrenthal soldiers holding out within the city or being one traveling in the group with Locke, Connor, Laura and Dylan.]

History: [This may be the one you have the most questions about. You can relate things within your character's history to locations stated in either the description of my setting, first post, or character biography. You're even allowed to expand the depth of the make-up of the Wrenthal Combine or Trythol Commune, as long as it comes back to your character being in or around Raem so you can be part of the story, it doesn't much matter]

Physical Description: [Nothing too abnormal, like your character being human but green. It's not that demanding]

That's all there is to it, really. Again, if there are any questions, reply to this thread and I'll be glad to help.

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