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Business Resolutions for 2013 | Geoff Livingston's Blog

Dawn  and the Washington Monument

A new year is upon us, and like many others I have a few resolutions for my business and online life.

In addition to discussing the environment more frequently, here are some of my goals:

Less Travel

Philly During the Day B&W

Last year was my worst travel year since 2009, doubling my normal road time. This travel was in large part to support Marketing in the Round (co-author Gini Dietrich also travelled extensively). By my calculations, I traveled at least one day a week 60% of the year, and from March until December it was more than 80%.

The impact on my family and personal exhaustion was significant.

There is no new book to promote in 2013. While I?m always game to travel for business reasons, the marketing and social media speaking circuits will see less of me next year? Unless people are willing to pay a significant fee.

It?s not about making money, rather creating a significant barrier so that I am on the road less. I want to be present for my daughter.

Business Only

It seems like I?ve had a serious pet project for each of the last three years. Whether it was fighting for the Gulf, writing and promoting books, or starting a company, there was an extra project at hand in addition to normal consulting.

In 2013, I intend to work hard in my business (including here on this blog), and turn off the lights. It?s a year to recharge the batteries, focus on what matters most, and run and bike outside.

My extra project for 2013 is being a Dad and a husband. That?s enough.

Take a Photography Class

Jefferson's Vegetable Garden Terrace

I receive a lot of compliments about my photography, which as a self taught amateur pleases me to no end. But I?d like to improve on my hobby a little.

Plus photography helps me relax, providing an easy creative outlet that doesn?t involve the rigmarole of developing, writing, publishing and marketing a book.

So next year, I will invest some time and take a photography class. Here is to learning new insights!


When a human doing stops to become a human being, it?s inevitable that you start to think. A lot.

That?s OK. Meditation bears creative fruit, always. That?s my experience.

So what?s next after some serious rest? Who knows? I certainly have a couple ideas now, but after meditation they could be completely invalid.

Until the path is clear, living in the present for a little while seems appropriate.

I?m sure just working hard, taking great pics, and meditating during off hours will produce a vision.

What are your business resolutions for 2013?

Source: http://geofflivingston.com/2012/12/31/business-resolutions/

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